Attention Group Leaders: If you have an event planned that needs use of the church building, please get it on the calendar now. Spaces are reserved on a first come first serve basis, so please communicate space reservations ASAP. You can reserve spaces at both campuses through the Communications & Office Manager amcclintock@centennialumc.org
Journaling Prompts for Congregation: We sent out journal prompts for our congregational discernment together on February 3rd. We have big decisions to make concerning the future of our church buildings and we hope that these daily journal prompts help to process the initial feelings of fear or anxiety. If you didn’t receive a copy and would like one, please email amcclintock@centennialumc.org.
Journaling Prompts for Congregation: We sent out journal prompts for our congregational discernment together on February 3rd. We have big decisions to make concerning the future of our church buildings and we hope that these daily journal prompts help to process the initial feelings of fear or anxiety. If you didn’t receive a copy and would like one, please email amcclintock@centennialumc.org.
Suggestions for Easter Special Offering Recipients: Responses needed by February 19th. Centennial traditionally collects a special offering at Easter to serve our wider community. This year, the Compassion and Justice Hub teams would like your suggestions on potential recipients that align with Centennial’s core values and initiate or expand on our community outreach. Selected organizations/projects are not already covered in Centennial’s budget. Small nonprofits with a Centennial connection are preferred. Contact Anita Mayfield k.anita.mayfield@gmail.com by February 19th.
Meals on Wheels: Every third Tuesday from 11:00am-12:15pm. Help adults live independently in the community by delivering meals to their homes. Also serves as a wellness visit. Some of our regular drivers are not available to deliver meals in the winter so we are looking for additional volunteers to help out. Volunteers need to have a reliable form of transportation. Contact Rick Schultz | rickjs1850@gmail.com | 651-647-9381
Coffee Hour Volunteers: Volunteers are needed for the Sunday Coffee Hour at the Roseville Campus. [CLICK HERE] for easy online sign-up . If the link is not for you, please sign up on the paper form at the Roseville sign-up center or email Dodie | dodiewoodis@gmail.com with the Sunday(s) you are available.
Office Volunteer Sign-up: Can you help us cover the Roseville front office desk? Volunteers will be answering phones and helping with light office work as needed (details and instructions provided). [CLICK HERE] to sign up!
Want to get involved? Contact: Randy Oelschlager rjjdo123@comcast.net
Meals on Wheels: Every third Tuesday from 11:00am-12:15pm. Help adults live independently in the community by delivering meals to their homes. Also serves as a wellness visit. Some of our regular drivers are not available to deliver meals in the winter so we are looking for additional volunteers to help out. Volunteers need to have a reliable form of transportation. Contact Rick Schultz | rickjs1850@gmail.com | 651-647-9381
Coffee Hour Volunteers: Volunteers are needed for the Sunday Coffee Hour at the Roseville Campus. [CLICK HERE] for easy online sign-up . If the link is not for you, please sign up on the paper form at the Roseville sign-up center or email Dodie | dodiewoodis@gmail.com with the Sunday(s) you are available.
Office Volunteer Sign-up: Can you help us cover the Roseville front office desk? Volunteers will be answering phones and helping with light office work as needed (details and instructions provided). [CLICK HERE] to sign up!
Want to get involved? Contact: Randy Oelschlager rjjdo123@comcast.net
Zone 345 Game Night: Wednesday, February 19th, 6:00-8:00pm, Roseville Campus Linden Court. Drop in anytime to play board games together. Grab dinner in the fellowship hall at 5:30, then join us for games. Bring your favorite game or come and try a new game. Contact Joy with any questions at jestrohs@hotmail.com
Youth Group Service Project: Wednesday, February 19th, 7:00-8:00pm. We will be making Bowling Buddies sets to donate to the Blue House fundraiser for school/home for girls in Uganda.
Roseville Area Faith Communities Response to Community Needs: Tuesday, February 18th, 1:00-2:15pm, Autumn Grove Park Building, 1395 Lydia Ave, West Roseville. Our faith communities are very responsive to the needs of our communities. This is an opportunity to share what is already being done, as well as where there may be gaps and ways we can work together to accomplish more. [REGISTER HERE]
Just Like Me VBS 2025: Join us from 5-8pm on Wednesday evenings, July 9 to August 6 for “Just Like Me: Digging in and growing deep”, Centennial UMC’s summer Vacation Bible. Over the course of these 5 Wednesdays, kids will be introduced to a cast of neighborhood Gardeners who will help them explore Biblical stories of people who were able to change things for the better. Kids will practice sharing what they have, finding their community, and using their voice for others. [REGISTER HERE]
Youth Group Service Project: Wednesday, February 19th, 7:00-8:00pm. We will be making Bowling Buddies sets to donate to the Blue House fundraiser for school/home for girls in Uganda.
Roseville Area Faith Communities Response to Community Needs: Tuesday, February 18th, 1:00-2:15pm, Autumn Grove Park Building, 1395 Lydia Ave, West Roseville. Our faith communities are very responsive to the needs of our communities. This is an opportunity to share what is already being done, as well as where there may be gaps and ways we can work together to accomplish more. [REGISTER HERE]
Just Like Me VBS 2025: Join us from 5-8pm on Wednesday evenings, July 9 to August 6 for “Just Like Me: Digging in and growing deep”, Centennial UMC’s summer Vacation Bible. Over the course of these 5 Wednesdays, kids will be introduced to a cast of neighborhood Gardeners who will help them explore Biblical stories of people who were able to change things for the better. Kids will practice sharing what they have, finding their community, and using their voice for others. [REGISTER HERE]
Bible Study - Roseville Campus: Wednesdays, 6pm, Asbury 1. *no meeting November 27th. This fall we will be starting in the book of Romans. Contact Mark Meyer for more information: mark.meyer@netzero.com
Bible Study - Virtual: Tuesdays, 1:30pm, zoom. This is a great option for folks who are having a hard time leaving home and feeling disconnected from their church family. Let us dive into Scripture together, hold each other in prayer, and experience life giving connection. Contact Pastor Whitney Sheridan for more information: wsheridan@centennialumc.org
Bible Study at St. Anthony Park: Sundays 9:30am before worship, in the fellowship hall downstairs. | St. Anthony Park campus | Questions contact Alan O'Donnell, arodonnell@hotmail.com.
Bible Study - Virtual: Tuesdays, 1:30pm, zoom. This is a great option for folks who are having a hard time leaving home and feeling disconnected from their church family. Let us dive into Scripture together, hold each other in prayer, and experience life giving connection. Contact Pastor Whitney Sheridan for more information: wsheridan@centennialumc.org
Bible Study at St. Anthony Park: Sundays 9:30am before worship, in the fellowship hall downstairs. | St. Anthony Park campus | Questions contact Alan O'Donnell, arodonnell@hotmail.com.
Documentation Copies at Centennial: Due to recent events if you would like to keep copies of your documentation in regards to being in the country at the church please reach out to Pastor Whitney wsheridan@centennialumc.org.
Event Planning Opportunity!: Are you interested in opportunities to make real positive impact in our communities and foster meaningful connections? Both Miracle Moments and Ignite Your Heart are looking for passionate individuals to help plan and organize their respective events. Both ministries foster more connected, compassionate and just communities. Please contact Raquel Maas of Miracle Moments at raquelmchurch@gmail.com or Pamela Isham of Ignite Your Heart at pdisham@gmail.com It’s an overwhelming time; we are stronger together.
Community Organizing Worship: Thursday, February 20th, 9:30am-12:30pm, Hennepin Avenue UMC, Art Gallery. This workshop is open to anyone passionate about equipping their congregation for meaningful ministry. Whether you are a lay leader, clergy, or someone seeing to make a difference in your community, this workshop will provide valuable tools and insights. Together, we’ll build a shared understanding of how to organize for transformation and embody the justice vision of Jesus. [REGISTER HERE]
United Women in Faith - Day Apart: Saturday, March 1st, 9:00am-1:30pm, Roseville Campus. Rev Rachel McIver Morey will be the Leader for the Day Apart on “We Have Everything We Need Right Here?” We will explore how as opportunity grows poverty recedes when people of faith invest themselves in effective action. There will be Fellowship, Service Project, Reflection, Communion & Remembrance and Lunch. REGISTRATION is $20. Please sign up at the Connection Center or contact Tracy Fodstad at 612.709.6280 tracyfodstad@gmail.com or Carol Johnson C2020johnson@gmail.com
Event Planning Opportunity!: Are you interested in opportunities to make real positive impact in our communities and foster meaningful connections? Both Miracle Moments and Ignite Your Heart are looking for passionate individuals to help plan and organize their respective events. Both ministries foster more connected, compassionate and just communities. Please contact Raquel Maas of Miracle Moments at raquelmchurch@gmail.com or Pamela Isham of Ignite Your Heart at pdisham@gmail.com It’s an overwhelming time; we are stronger together.
Community Organizing Worship: Thursday, February 20th, 9:30am-12:30pm, Hennepin Avenue UMC, Art Gallery. This workshop is open to anyone passionate about equipping their congregation for meaningful ministry. Whether you are a lay leader, clergy, or someone seeing to make a difference in your community, this workshop will provide valuable tools and insights. Together, we’ll build a shared understanding of how to organize for transformation and embody the justice vision of Jesus. [REGISTER HERE]
United Women in Faith - Day Apart: Saturday, March 1st, 9:00am-1:30pm, Roseville Campus. Rev Rachel McIver Morey will be the Leader for the Day Apart on “We Have Everything We Need Right Here?” We will explore how as opportunity grows poverty recedes when people of faith invest themselves in effective action. There will be Fellowship, Service Project, Reflection, Communion & Remembrance and Lunch. REGISTRATION is $20. Please sign up at the Connection Center or contact Tracy Fodstad at 612.709.6280 tracyfodstad@gmail.com or Carol Johnson C2020johnson@gmail.com
Want to get involved? Contact: Monique Lindquist moniquelindquist@gmail.com
Worship at Roseville Campus is at 9:00am | Worship at St. Anthony Park is at 10:30am
Preaching this week: Pastor Whitney Sheridan
Preaching this week: Pastor Whitney Sheridan

Current Sermon Series: Jesus’ Big Big Feelings February 9th-March 2nd. Throughout the series, we learn that emotions—whether joy, anger, anxiety, or sadness—are part of the human experience, and Jesus experienced them in profound ways. His emotional life offers us comfort, understanding, and healing. By following His example, we can navigate our own feelings with honesty, integrity, and faith, knowing that Jesus walks with us through every emotion.
Star Words: As the Magi were led to Jesus by the guidance of a star, Star Words are spiritual focus words often distributed to congregations on Epiphany Sunday. These words are intended to inspire reflection, growth, and discernment throughout the year. [SIGN UP HERE] to receive prompts weekly for the year of 2025. If you did not receive a star word on January 5th and would like one email Pastor Jen | janderson@centennialumc.org
or Pastor Whitney | wsheridan@centennialumc.org
Star Words: As the Magi were led to Jesus by the guidance of a star, Star Words are spiritual focus words often distributed to congregations on Epiphany Sunday. These words are intended to inspire reflection, growth, and discernment throughout the year. [SIGN UP HERE] to receive prompts weekly for the year of 2025. If you did not receive a star word on January 5th and would like one email Pastor Jen | janderson@centennialumc.org
or Pastor Whitney | wsheridan@centennialumc.org
Youth Super Bowl Sub Fundraiser success!
Our youth sold 54 sandwiches this past Sunday for their annual sub sandwiches fundraiser for their summer mission trip. They had 8 kids, and 5 adult volunteers put together the yummy sandwiches, raising around $1,000 for the youth trip! Thank you to everyone who bought a sandwich!

Chili Cook-Off E-Cookbook: Centennial’s youth group is pleased to share an e-cookbook with many of the recipes from last November’s chili cook-off. Have fun cooking up a delicious pot of chili this winter! Link for the cookbook can be found [HERE]
Volunteer Training: Wednesday, February 26th, 5:30-7:30pm, Roseville Campus *dinner will be provided. Calling all Centennial volunteers to an updated volunteer training. We are aiming to have more frequent volunteer trainings to stay up to date on safety protocols and other volunteer procedures. Please register HERE!
Download the Centennial App!: A new way to connect with groups, find events, watch past worship services, and give all in once place. Look up Centennial UMC in the apple or android app store! [CLICK HERE]
Volunteer Training: Wednesday, February 26th, 5:30-7:30pm, Roseville Campus *dinner will be provided. Calling all Centennial volunteers to an updated volunteer training. We are aiming to have more frequent volunteer trainings to stay up to date on safety protocols and other volunteer procedures. Please register HERE!
Download the Centennial App!: A new way to connect with groups, find events, watch past worship services, and give all in once place. Look up Centennial UMC in the apple or android app store! [CLICK HERE]