State Fair Park & Ride: August 22-23, 26-30, Roseville Campus | Hey everyone! It's time to reserve a spot for yourself or group as part of Centennials annual participation in the State Fair Park & Ride system. We are paid by the Fair to staff our parking lot to guide Fair goers to available parking spots. You can designate which Centennial  group or program the proceeds for your shift will be deposited. No experience necessary. Sign up, show up, have fun, meet people: [CLICK HERE]  

Volunteers! : All Centennial volunteers please plan to attend one of two training sessions, July 31st or August 7th from 6-8pm. Dinner provided. Register HERE for July 31st, or HERE for August 7th.        


Kids In Need School Supply Drive: July 1-31, 2024 | The 2024-2025 school year is right around the corner. The Compassion Team is sponsoring a fund drive for the Kids In Need Foundation July 1-31.KIN provides underserved schools with the supplies and resources needed for teachers to teach and learners to learn. Cash contributions bring the most “bang for the buck” for KIN. Please make checks payable to CUMC with KIN on the memo line. Thank you in advance for your donation.

State Fair Park & Ride: August 22-23, 26-30, Roseville Campus | Hey everyone! It's time to reserve a spot for yourself or group as part of Centennials annual participation in the State Fair Park & Ride system. We are paid by the Fair to staff our parking lot to guide Fair goers to available parking spots. You can designate which Centennial  group or program the proceeds for your shift will be deposited. No experience necessary. Sign up, show up, have fun, meet people: [CLICK HERE]  

Faithful Hospitality - Thanks and More Opportunities: Thank you to those of you who helped in many ways at Faithful Hospitality in July.  We have a new opportunity to serve as overnight hosts at St. Anthony Park Lutheran Church in August.  Shifts are from 7pm to 7am on weeknights and 7pm to 8am on weekends.  For more information, please contact Deena Strohman at stro0410@umn.edu.

Coffee Hour Volunteers: Volunteers are needed for the Sunday Coffee Hour at the Roseville Campus. [CLICK HERE] for easy online sign-up . If the link is not for you, please sign up on the paper form at the Roseville sign-up center or email Dodie |  dodiewoodis@gmail.com with the Sunday(s) you are available.

Office Volunteer Sign-up: Can you help us cover the Roseville front office desk? Volunteers will be answering phones and helping with light office work as needed (details and instructions provided). [CLICK HERE] to sign up!

Want to get involved? Contact: Randy Oelschlager rjjdo123@comcast.net


Summer Camp Registration |  https://www.campminnesota.org/  Scholarships are available.  Questions?  Contact Pastor Jen | janderson@centennialumc.org

Join the Fine Arts Ministry Team!: Would you like to have a say in the decisions regarding art in the church? What we choose to display says a lot about who we are and what is important to us. We meet when there is something to decide, usually about once every two months. You do not need to be an artist, just a person who can help set up displays and participate in decisions. Email Tammy Nara to find out more. We serve both campuses, and all members are welcome! Contact Tammy Nara | tammynara18@gmail.com

Flames Ministry Schedule: April - August | The Flames invite you to know God together in worship, fellowship and service. We meet 2nd Sundays for class and worship (with ASL) at Roseville. Flames  welcome teens and adults with disabilities and other life challenges. [CLICK HERE] to view our schedule for spring and summer activities. Contact: Debby Newman  | DebbyAndEve@gmail.com

Bible Study at St. Anthony Park: Sundays 9:30am before worship, in the fellowship hall downstairs. | St. Anthony Park campus |  Questions contact Alan O'Donnell, arodonnell@hotmail.com.


Preparing for Miracle Moments 2024! Centennial is partnering with the Minnesota Wrongfully Convicted Judicial Reform, for Miracle Moments with Santa on 12/14. This event gives the children of families with incarcerated loved ones a chance to experience the joy of gift-giving by shopping in Santa’s workshop. Over the summer, we are collecting gifts. [CLICK HERE] for gift ideas. Please contact Karensa Fischer at 651-270-3738 to volunteer. Gifts can be dropped off at the Roseville office, or contact Karensa to make other arrangements. 

Want to get involved? Contact: Monique Lindquist moniquelindquist@gmail.com

Book Recommendations to Keep Learning and Growing:

Books available in the Library at the Roseville Campus

This is How It Always Is

by Laurie Frankel  
Navigating being family with transgender children

We Are Meant To Rise: Voices for Justice from Minneapolis to the World

by Carolyn Holbrook and David Mura

Fix What You Can

by former Roseville MN state legislator Mindy Greiling 
about fighting for a son with schizophrenia


Worship at Roseville Campus is at 9:00am  |  Worship at St. Anthony Park is at 10:30am
Preaching this week: Pastor Whitney Sheridan
Bless this Mess: July 14 - August 11
This series will be an invitation to examine what is getting in the way when it comes to our lives of faith? What are we holding onto that needs to be let go? What clutters our lives? What is behind the clutter? Jesus entered into our messy world and our messy lives to bring about restoration. We will be looking at Jesus’ interactions to see how he helped people understand the heart of what he’s come to do and bring about.

A giving campaign to help us pave the way to a brighter future!

Donations received thru August 31, beyond regular giving/pledges, will be matched dollar for dollar up to $25,000, for a potential $50,000 impact!  

Fill the Gap funds will go directly to our 2024 Operating Budget, which serves as the foundation for all our ministry and outreach efforts.  

Please visit The Giving Page to give to the FILL THE GAP campaign.

Thank you to all those who have already given!

Midwest mission distruBUTION center Service in Illinois

Mark Meyer, Jack and Vicki Griffin and Mike and Diana Ash volunteered at Midwest Mission Distribution Center in Pawnee Illinois for 4 days.
They did prep work and assembly of student desks, put together layette kits, sorted drawstring bags for the personal dignity kits and various other odd jobs as assigned. They were also there to bless a container shipment that is bound for El Salvador.


Introducing Centennial’s new Communications and Office Manager: Annika McClintock!  Annika’s first day was, July 8th.  Please stop by the office to say hello and welcome her warmly.  You can reach Annika at Amcclintock@centennialumc.org

We are so grateful to Destiny Brekke for her years of service with Centennial UMC as our Multimedia Designer.  If you would like to thank Destiny with a monetary gifts, please give [CLICK HERE].

Bob Nienaber Retirement Brunch: Sunday, July 28 | 9:00 AM Worship Service, 10:30 AM Brunch | Bob Nienaber, CUMC’s longtime Organist (and previous Director of Music) is retiring after 39 years in music ministry at CUMC. The church will celebrate his years of music ministry afterward with a brunch.  We hope you can join us. Please RSVP http://evite.me/RSVP_BobNienaber_RetirementBrunch by July 21st if you plan to attend the brunch.  Your RSVP will help us greatly to plan appropriate seating, food, and beverages.
If you would like to thank Bob with a monetary gift, please [CLICK HERE].

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