Kids & Youth

What do you have for my kids on Sundays?


We provide Nursery Care for children from age 6 weeks – 3 years at both campuses.

Roseville Campus Sunday Nursery Hours: 8:45am to 10:10am

St. Anthony Park Campus Sunday Nursery Hours: 10:20am to 11:45am


FaithWalk is our version of Sunday School for pre-K to 5th grade kids.
Kids begin worship with their families and are dismissed to FaithWalk about 10-15 minutes into the service.  About once a month, kids rejoin worship to receive Holy Communion with the whole congregation.
Contact Pastor Jen for more details.
We love having kids participate as worship leaders - reading Scripture, serving Communion, ushering, greeting, singing, handbells and more - anytime of the year. 


Twice a month, once at each church campus, students can participate in Sunday Skits. We'll practice skits related to scripture, read the Bible stories they are based on and prepare them to be performed later in the school year at the two church campuses.
Students are also encouraged to participate in Sunday morning worship through handbells, ushering, coffee bar, greeting, scripture reading and special music. 




Get connected with our programs for children and teenagers!

Kids & Family Milestone Program

Milestones are the significant cultural and developmental markers that we experience throughout our lives.
They are our firsts. There are ordinary firsts of steps and teeth, walking and talking. There are also firsts of our faith life: baptism, beginning Sunday School, receiving a Bible, and more. Centennial’s Milestone Ministry helps to make a connection between our everyday lives and our faith life.
Milestones at Centennial:
  • Age 4: I Can Pray – Sunday Oct 9, 11:45am-1pm at SAP
  • Kindergarten: Touch & See My Church – Sunday Dec 18, 10:15am at RV, and 11:45am at SAP
  • 1st Grade: Taste the Bread – Sunday Oct 2, 11:45am-1pm at SAP
  • 2nd Grade: Touch the Water – Sunday Jan 8, 11:45am-1pm at SAP
  • 3rd Grade: A Bible of My Own – Wednesday Sep. 14, 5:15-6:30pm at RV
  • 4th Grade: Worship Around the Year – Sunday Feb 19, 11:45am-1pm at SAP
  • 5th Grade: Heart of a Servant – Sunday April 23, 11:45am-1pm at SAP
Contact: Pastor Jen Anderson | 651.633.7644 x313

Zone 345

Monthly activities for 3rd, 4th & 5th graders. Activities alternate between service and fun outings.
  • October 16, 1pm, A Different Pond at the Children’s Theater Company
  • November 5, Service project with FLAMES at Feed My Starving Children
  • December 4, 11:45am, Secret Santa event at SAP
  • January 21, 11:45am, Service project
  • February 12, Ice Skating, stay tuned for time and location
  • March 26, Service project
  • May 12-13, End of Year lock in at Roseville
Contact: Pastor Jen Anderson | 651.633.7644 x313

Wednesday Night Youth Groups

Build relationships, serve others, learn about God!
Centennial Youth meet weekly (most nights of the school year) in two different groups: middle school and high school. The format of the night varies, and activities include: guest speakers, videos, reading Scripture, spiritual practices, bonfires, service nights, and more!
Time: 6:30-8:00pm Location: Roseville Campus

Youth Mission Trips

Road trips + serving others + awesomeness + God sightings = Centennial Youth summer mission trips!
These week-long trips are often transformative for our high school and middle school students. Taking time away from normal life, they have space to connect more deeply with their faith, see God at work in different social contexts then their own, and make new friends!
Youth Service Trip to Minnesota’s North Shore | June 23-27, $150 Service trip is open to youth currently in 6th to 12th grade. There will be intentional time planned as a large group, and as separate middle school/high school groups. Detailed schedule will be finalized soon. Plans are underway for travel on Sunday June 23, a full day of service (9-3) on Monday, ½ day of service on Tuesday with a fun outing in the afternoon, a full day of service on Wednesday, with a State Park or similar outing on the way home Thursday. [CLICK HERE TO REGISTER]  Contact Katie Sharpe ( or Jay Coggins ( with questions.
Contact: Pastor Jen Anderson | 651.633.7644 x313

Confirmation - 8th Grade

Faith is a life long, ever-changing journey.
Our 8th grade students spend a year thinking intentionally about their faith journey. That process may culminate in them publicly professing their faith at our fall Confirmation Sunday. That process may culminate in them needing more time and space to figure out where they are at. Both of those options, and everything in between, is a-ok with us at Centennial. Jesus invites us into an authentic faith, and we all figure out that journey on their own time.
Contact: Pastor Jen Anderson | 651.633.7644 x313

St. Anthony Park Campus Scouts

Building tomorrow's leaders!
Active for almost 70 years, Cub Scout Pack 22 meets monthly at our St. Anthony Park Campus.  In addition to monthly Pack meetings, each Den (organized by school grade level) meets two or more times per month for age appropriate games, skill development, outings and more.  Over the past year Cub Scouts in Pack 22 have participated in some of the following activities: Rain Gutter Regattas, Pinewood Derby, a weekend long summer camp experience, Polar Cubs/Winter Camp, rocket shoots, St. Anthony Park neighborhood's 4th of July parade, service projects (leaf raking, Toys-for-Tots, food drives) and more! We are an active Pack of about 30 boys and girls in grades K-5.  
When: First Monday of the month at 7:00pm
Where: St. Anthony Park Campus | 2200 W Hillside Ave., St. Paul, MN
Questions about Scouts on St. Anthony Park's Campus?
Contact: Clayton Helmer | | 651.603.6987