Join us for worship in person or virtually!
We are one church, and we have two different worship experiences to offer you.
We are one church, and we have two different worship experiences to offer you.

Roseville Campus
Worship at 9:00am Sundays
1524 County Rd. C2 W, Roseville
1524 County Rd. C2 W, Roseville
At the Roseville Campus, you'll enjoy a more traditional and blended kind of worship: hymns, organ, piano, written prayers, etc. We think it can be restful to listen to, speak, and sing beautiful words that have been handed down generation after generation. We hope you'll leave feeling uplifted, inspired, and filled with some peace and hope.

St. Anthony Park Campus
Worship at 10:30am Sundays
2200 Hillside Ave, St. Paul
2200 Hillside Ave, St. Paul
At the St. Anthony Park Campus, worship is of the contemporary kind: worship band, awesome lighting, sometimes there are bagels. We hope it feels inviting to people of all ages, and helps you reconnect with that weary spirit that is lurking within your worn-down body and mind. We hope you'll leave feeling energized, connected, and filled with some peace and hope.

We are a reconciling church!
This is important to us, and we try to live it and learn about it all the time. We think that welcoming people of all ages, races, ethnicities, nationalities, sexual orientations, gender identities, physical and mental abilities, economic means, marital statuses, education levels, or faith experiences is how God works through us to make our community more loving and just.

We love kids.
We love that they make noise, that they help us see the world more creatively, and remind us not to take ourselves too seriously. We think that helping kids and their families explore "faith stuff" together is important, and we try to do our best at facilitating that, whatever that means for your family.

We do lots of stuff throughout the week (not just Sundays!).
Maybe Sunday worship isn't really your thing. That's fine with us. We love to serve our communities, as well as enjoy excellent music. Join us for a local service project, take a look at our music groups, or check out one of our many small groups. Or, email one of our staff and we'd love to meet you at your favorite coffee shop to hear about your life with its passions and ordinariness.
Considering Membership?
Whether you are young or old, new to the community, been away from the church for awhile or a long time, becoming part of a community of fellow sojourners is a step of faith and can be even more helpful in this time of the coronavirus. Joining Centennial is a discernment of joy and seeing where you are in your journey with God and your needs for a church fellowship. To explore more, contact Pastor Whitney Sheridan at wsheridan@centennialumc.org
or Pastor Jen Anderson at janderson@centennialumc.org
or Pastor Jen Anderson at janderson@centennialumc.org